Monday 3 December 2012

saul bass- oceans 11 title sequence

The title sequence of oceans 11 expresses a lot about what the film could be about as of the way the numbers and letters are shown and this objects that apear throughout the sequence.

The font of the words and numbers that apear suggest that the film will be based in vegas because the lights look like spotlight shinning down. it also suggest gambling as they are the light you expect to see in a casino, being glamorous. The colours change throughout the sequence

Not only are words and letters used but we also see objects and different shapes. in the sequence we see arrows which are used a lot by saul bass and a lot of his work uses simple shapes. The objects significant as they tell us that the film is set in a casino and they are gambling. we see playing cars turned on a table which gives us the idea that they are gambling. slot machines are in the sequence, the slot machine is being used and each time they almost win the jackpot which suggest that they may be unlucky, in the slot machine we also see a man and women about to kiss which could suggest romance. We then go on to dices which another significant object of a casino.

The music in the title sequence to me suggest that they are living the high life and they are wealthy. the music is very classy. the music is jazz which links to the actor frank sinatra who sings similar songs to jazz. the music also suggest risk which suggest they will risk when it comes to gambling.

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